
Wireless to Wikis...

Given the couple of days I’ve had to explore Wireless Technologies, I realize the challenges in developing that interest for the purpose of this class.  My explorations took me into the world of m-learning or mobile learning, which is just on the cusp of emergence in the United States…interestingly, one can learn Chinese via cell phone and there is a school in South Africa that will begin a pilot of mobile learning for 11th graders with an HIV/AIDs project.  

Thus, with the limited time frame and the difficulty of narrowing my topic, my emphasis will be directed to using wikis with vocational students (and though the focus will not be on the wireless/mobile technology, I will use that as a framework in developing my interest).  Wikis are both collaborative in nature and constructive in content, which is consistent with much of my beliefs about learning.  I’ll plan to find digital connections to define them and tie them to theoretical foundations as well as practical applications – with the focus on vocational students in a wireless/mobile environment.  


At 7:18 PM, Blogger Joshua O said...

Great topic Marie. Could you please provide me with a little background information? What types of educational certificates would the vocational students be pursuing and do they currently have experience using wireless technology? It seems like your ideas for study have many other applications. It is probably good to keep it focused on this set of learners.


At 9:22 PM, Blogger M Coleman said...

Hi Josh,
Thanks for your comment - These students will earn vocational certificates. Programs are available in many areas of business (i.e., Legal Admin Specialist or Computer Systems Specialist), transportation (i.e., Automotive Tech or Aviation PowerPlant), personal service (i.e., Culinary or Cosmetology) and health (i.e., Dental Ass't or LPN) - for a sampling!

I'm guessing that I will narrow my audience down to one area or even one program - so I can really apply this "expertise" in working with those teachers and students.

With Dr. Ferdig's earlier comments, I'm leaning away from 'wireless' as the focus - but I do think with that environment there will be a lot more access and thus more reason to incorporate it into instruction and learning opportunities. Although our campus is not 'state of the art,' it does have a number of wired computer labs and of course, many of the programs (by their own nature) are in computer labs.

Hope this helps clarify a bit more..

Marie C.


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