
The 'Unveiling' - #6c

I opted to go with PB Wiki primarily because I had some familiarity with it and with the time crunch, I wanted to have some beginnings of closure (an oxymoron indeed!). Given more time, I would also explore Stikipad and the following in more depth: Wetpaint, Writeboard, Mediawiki, and Seedwiki. The options for wiki software continue to grow and thus, it is important to keep ones eyes and ears open!

Since I’m not a nurse educator, I spoke with one of our nursing instructors who has been a supportive spectator in my wiki venture. We brainstormed some ideas and came up with a scenario on end of life issues that she will be teaching next semester. Again, in the interest of time, I developed a scenario that will likely need much tweaking before its official use, but I share with you now as a sort of culminating accomplishment of my wiki ‘expertise.’ This
wiki is password-protected (lwit is the password), but I invite you to explore the editing features if you want to add anything.

A big thanks to my group members, Josh, Julie, and Marie Y. for all of your comments! Though, I may not have responded directly to your feedback, I did treasure the thoughts and the ideas – most of which are incorporated in both postings and the development of the upcoming blog paper! In addition, I’ve learned so much about e-portfolios, telecentres, and professional development in all of your postings – what a wonderful educational experience!


At 11:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is a really neat application. I like the role play/script you are going to have them develop. One of my good friends is in nursing school and she will be very interested in seeing this! I am going to check up on it within a few weeks to see what your students have come up with. :O)

I cannot believe that 8 weeks have already passed! Like you I have really gained a lot from everyone's comments and have really looked forward to both hearing from each of you and reading your entries.


At 4:38 PM, Blogger Joshua O said...

Very professional setup for your Wiki, Marie. It is easy to understand and you have provided a thorough resources page, impressive. I liked the problem based learning assignment, it seems like a great way for your students to collaborate and compare how they would handle different types of medical situations. I've enjoyed learning about Wiki's from your postings over the past weeks, thanks!


At 6:24 PM, Blogger Julie Romey said...

Marie - your wiki is great, as I expected! I hope that it proves beneficial to the students at your school.

I'm so attached to the research that everyone has done I hate to see it end! I would love to hear how the wiki works out for you, as well as how everyone else's research pans out for them. I think I might keep my blog going and update it with the progress of my class blogs and e-portfolios. How about you?


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